When you're traveling, your hunger comes along too, so don't forget to provide for it!
Below are some of our favorite snack ideas to keep you energized and satisfied during your travels. Some of these are perishable but some can hang around in your bag for quite some time!
Kind bars
Trail mix
Bada Bean Bada Boom snack
Mary’s Gone Crackers
Roasted chickpeas
Grapes + almonds
Nectarine + cashews
Peach + pistachios
Baby carrots + hummus
Crackers + cheese
Pretzels + peanut butter
Greek yogurt + granola
Way Better multigrain chips +guacamole
-Look out for nut butters and dips in travel-size containers or pouches.
-You can find ice packs and freezer bags in a variety of sizes to keep perishables safe and appealing.
-Transfer bulk snacks into smaller bags or containers for portability
Remember to pack your own favorites! These might be foods that are dense in nutrients but they might also be foods that are just for fun. Fun foods are totally a food group! These are foods we eat just because they bring us pleasure and not because they “do” anything other than provide our bodies with energy. They absolutely have a place in our lives…and on our travels!